What You Need to Know About Wrongful Death Cases

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Losing a loved one is painful enough, but it becomes even worse when you have reason to believe their death was not inevitable, but rather the results of someone else’s negligence. If you believe someone else action or lack of action played a role in your loved one’s death, we encourage you to speak to our team at Johnson DuRant, LLC about pursuing a wrongful death case. In this article, we’ll go over some key information you need to know about wrongful death cases.

What You Need to Know About Wrongful Death Cases

Reasons for Wrongful Death

Some people pursue wrongful death litigation because they believe their loved one’s medical care was mismanaged. However, medical staff are not the only people or entities who might be at fault for a wrongful death. For example, poor workplace safety or a defective product may have played a role. Our team can help you identify where to place the blame for your loved one’s death and fight on your behalf.

Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death

Another thing you need to know about wrongful death cases is that you have limited time to file your lawsuit, as you must do so before the statute of limitations is up. In South Carolina, this time period is generally three years. That may sound like a long time, but it’s best to file a claim soon after your loved one’s passing. We understand it can be difficult to even contemplate legal action when you are dealing with grief, but we encourage you to do so—we’ll take care of all the legal steps so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Payment Structure for Wrongful Death Lawyers

A third key thing to understand about wrongful death cases is how the lawyers get paid. When pursuing a wrongful death case, the consultation is typically free. You won’t have to pay anything upfront—instead, if our team decides to take your case, we will take a cut of the settlement you are awarded as our fee. In other words, we only get paid if we win your case.